Newspapers and news programs do not speak of what's happening right now in University Italian . If you do not frequent the universities, if you're not waiting for the commencement lessons, there is no way to realize that these have been postponed that are starting very late. Oh God, even those who attend often realize and examples around me I have too many.
The reason for these delays is that researchers are on strike because of "Reform" Gelmini . I'm not wrong the quotes, but this is more than a reform an attempt to destroy public education .
The researchers do not fit.
From The Daily Done:
E ' especially the abolition of the post of researcher indefinitely to be challenged by protesters. "After expiry of the research grant, a researcher can only sign a contract for three years and then again one of the other three," says Alessandro Ferretti , representing Rete29Aprile, the website for those who protest. "The insecurity is so stretched by six years." If at the end of this period the researcher will be unable to obtain the ability to become an associate professor, will leave the university. To avoid this, a university might prefer to assign the post to be associated with a precarious, rather than a researcher with the most seniority who has signed a contract for an indefinite period before the reform. "It will be a war between poor" says Ferretti. "A gain from this disaster is not the university."
Apart from this, the researchers were concerned teaching: looking at the cards on the staff of the various university sites, try searching the names of professors who have examined and that took care of your lessons and you will see that it is mostly of researchers. was entirely voluntary, or rather, since it had to go forward cabin, addition to research, teaching was good . Now a contract to be disgusting and hours of compulsory education at the expense of research.
In this rectors acquire more power and baronies of the problem is not solved some , even for the son of the professor, cousin, uncle, grandfather, however, the university will, are the other fools to stay out.
And there's good news for the school: the latest in the Gelmini is ' start of school in October, because that families have the opportunity to go on holiday in September. Who? What families go on holiday? Those of temporary school, kicked out of researchers, teachers now walking, of factory workers and industries dropped to transfer production facilities in Eastern Europe, the displaced of L'Aquila (those were already on vacation) , farmers and ranchers destroyed from production quotas, small shopkeepers squeezed by supermarkets, the long-term unemployed in the southern pockets? Exactly who is this woman talking about?
A rebel came the League, that between madness and the other says something sensible. It 's the region to address when it begins and ends the school year, under the weather, tourism and European regulations establishing the minimum limit to 200 days of teaching. So if you start in October is expected to close in late June .... in South Italy? Yes, of course. And it snows in the North? Who made the long Christmas holidays?
Quello che vedo, nonostante e già prima di questi cambiamenti, è un'Italia sempre più ignorante , che non sa parlare più nella sua lingua madre e non si tratta dell'evoluzione naturale della lingua, ma di una degenerazione completa: aggettivi ridondanti, puntini di sospensione a caso o frasi chilometriche di cui si perde il senso. E tralascio i congiuntivi! Sono sfinita.
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