Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wedding Shop Welcome Note


Lucrezia is one of the many cats in the cattery. Each of them is for us the favorite. We love equally to each and every one we tend to appreciate the merits, to know the faults and to accept the "weaknesses".
Doroteo, for example, the surgery would be his residence for an indefinite period; Mammola not get enough to eat; Etty like to stay above all the pillows in the closet. And so it goes for each of them.
But Lucrezia is that I want to say. It 's a grown cat. Bella. And 'black and white as much. But it has a something that makes it a very special cat. It is not intrusive. But it is known precisely because it is a kitten reserved, elegant, really. Her, we all noticed his "weak side" are human beings with whom she wants to be. He spends hours with me in the office, curled up on the desk. It 's a silent presence, very reassuring and calming. And when I have to unseat, so give her a big disappointment.
LUCREZIA desperately needs a home , need more than any other cat the cattery.


will ensure a faithful companion, beautiful, good, very sweet.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Carnauba Wax Formular

Julia Margaret Cameron

I never versed in fields that do not know well, then behind each post there is always a real, personal or done out of necessity. In this case I would like to speak of a photographer of the nineteenth century.

Julia Margaret Cameron is a woman who lived between India, Britain and France. His life is prosperous and peaceful, despite the constant transfers. Enter the world of photography only 1863, when his daughter Julia and her husband gave her a camera and you need to set up a darkroom. The Cameron does give some lesson from John Herschel , the scientist who invented the name photography. It was his privilege as to portray men of great fame, not only in England, but in some cases worldwide.
JM Cameron was not a photographer technically perfect, but it certainly was very energetic, active and could get people to pose for her.
First place in those days meant being 3-4 hours under the sun (the flash was not yet in use), many sentences withdrawn from the diaries of his subjects speak of a certain terror of being scelti come soggetto della giornata! Tutto sommato riusciva a trovare sempre qualcuno che, per piacere o per forza, posava per lei. 

La nostra fotografa è nota per i suoi ritratti maschili emblematici, caratteristica derivata dai soggetti e dal suo stile. Quest'ultimo è particolarmente riconoscibile: nelle sue fotografie solo la parte centrale, solitamente corrispondente in naso, occhi e labbra, è a fuoco, mentre tutto il resto è caratterizzato dallo sfocato, detto anche effetto flou .
Tra i ritratti maschili spiccano quelli taken at the same Herschel, Darwin to to Tennyson, in Taylor, William Michael Rossetti (who I know, you just have to know who is the subject of my thesis). Poets and scientists, all with a strong personality, great intelligence and genius. This highlights the Cameron: the face is in the foreground, the background is neutral and the light is often hard to highlight the features of faces.
note are the portraits of women . Beautiful women, hair loose over her shoulders, use of costumes, look down and an attempt to represent the ideal beauty. Not it is just that, though. It is important to remember that we are in Victorian Age, an era in which the woman is seen essentially as an object of desire and the different treatment by the photographer than males, reminds us of the mentality of the time. A useful example is to analyze the photograph depicting Ellen Terry (1864).
This is the sixteen year old wife of the painter GF Watts: she was a lively girl, funny, stage actress since childhood. Here is the image of a woman chained submissive and quiet. In fact, after his marriage he left the theater, but after 10 months of marriage thought it well to take back his life, so much to go back to being a theatrical diva, portrayed by many artists, with a niece activist for women's suffrage.
Even more famous are his put en scène.
Groups of women or children or even men in traditional clothes they stage an allegory or a medieval legend. Not even missing scenes and religious references to characters from the medieval Italian literature, like the characters of Dante's Beatrice or Petrarch's Laura. The subjects chosen are associated with those treated by Pre-Raphaelites, a brotherhood antiacademic of young painters who chose to divert their attention to the humility of nature and the myriad of literary references typical of the English and Italian (it must be remembered that Dante Gabriel Rossetti was the son of Gabriele Rossetti, Italian exile because of membership uprisings of 1820. Gabriel was also a poet and literary critic, DG Rossetti also translated the new Life of Dante, and if I were to trace his family tree, we'll be looking at John William Polidori ... but that's another story). The similarities between the pre-Raphaelite paintings and photographs of Cameron is awesome, so much so that the photographer was included in the group of artists and poets associated with the movement.
As I said earlier, Cameron was not very capable in the technique, and this is reflected in the preparation of photographic plates (glass) coated with photosensitive emulsion in a manner not very precise. Even if the exposure had been corrected, the air bubbles on the plate crumbled under development and fixing, making it impossible to print. This phase, however, was problematic and inaccurate. On the web you can find scans of his photographs and you can see the ruined parts.
For technical details on objectives and cameras prefer not to give information, because it is not my field and I could be wrong.
I can only add that the residential villa of JM Cameron, Dimbola , has become a museum for his photographs, complete with tea room, as a good English family!
This is intended as a starting point. Thoroughly can be an adventure.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hot Brent Corrigan And Brent Everett

Plum Cake Pancakes

  • 400 grams of flour
  • 400 grams of soft butter
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 4-5 of
  • eggs 1 / 2 cup of Brandy
  • 1 cup raisins of
  • 1 / 2 cup candied of
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon ; of baking powder
  • Preparation
    1. Work first the egg yolks with the sugar, then stir in the butter and worked well until the mixture obtain a foam.
    2. Whip the egg whites until stiff. United
    3. above composed the sieving flour gently with a pinch of salt , then the ' soaked and drained raisins and the candied small cut.
    4. Sprinkle the dough with Brandy .
    5. incorporated the egg whites until stiff and then the baking powder .
    6. Prepare a mold greased and floured loaf (if you use the silicone is sufficinete wet with cold water).
    7. Pour the plum cake mold and bake at 180 degrees in preheated oven for about 1 hour.
    8. check out the cooking of the cake with a toothpick.
    9. When this is dry the baked plum cake and let cool.

Christian Dior Dune Perfume Fake

  • 300 ml of milk
  • 120 g flour 2 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
heat the pan and prepare the batter
Frullate latte, uova, farina e sale; riscaldate bene il padellino ungendolo con un goccio di olio. Whisk milk, eggs, flour and salt well heated pan with a drop of anointing oil.
pour the batter
Versatevi un po' di pastella ruotando il padellino   <br /> in modo che il fondo sia ricoperto da uno strato sottile. Pour a bit 'of turning the batter
pan so the bottom is covered with a thin layer.
a bit 'ability ...
Dopo un minuto, infilando una spatola sotto la crêpe, rigiratela e fatela cuocere per un minuto ancora. Se siete bravi, potete girarla in aria facendo in modo che la crêpe ricada sulla padella e non per terra! Mano a mano che sono pronte mettete le crêpes una sull'altra. After a minute, slipping a spatula under the crêpe, rigiratela and cook for another minute. If you are good, you can turn it into the air so that the crepe pan and do not fall on the floor! As the pancakes are ready to put one on.
Se vi avanzano delle crêpes potrete congelarle avvolte in sacchetti di politene. Per scongelarle ponetele in frigo per qualche ora. If you advance the pancakes you can freeze them wrapped in polythene bags. Put them in the refrigerator to thaw for several hours.

Bionicle Instructions Vezon I Kardas

Mussels marinara

Mussels marinara

Moules Marinière

Serves 6
  • 1.5 kg of mussels
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 / 2
  • pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • and a half glasses of dry white wine
  • 1 teaspoon salt 12 tablespoons of oil

Clean mussels with the help of a kitchen sponge coarse and stringy ripped the thread that exists between the two halves , taking it between thumb and forefinger and pulling it toward the wide part of the mussels. Then wash well under running water.
In a large frying pan and fry the garlic, before taking color, pour the wine, salt and mussels. Stir well and cook until incoperchiate will open.
then sprinkle with parsley and serve piping hot eliminating mussels that have not opened. If you find any mussels with white flesh, do not you think they are bad, they are only males, females are orange

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Topless Wet T-shirt Contest Jpg

sweet onion soup

Ingredients 200 g onion, 50 g butter, 75 g Swiss cheese, 50 g of flour, bread, salt and pepper.


Far brown slowly in butter finely sliced \u200b\u200bonions, sprinkle with flour, brown and still slightly wet with 2 liters of water.
Add salt and pepper, cook for 10 minutes. Place in a bowl of sliced \u200b\u200bbread and cheese cut into thin slices. Pour over the boiling soup and let it rest 5-6 minutes, covered, before serving.
If you do not like the pieces of onion, you can pass the soup through a sieve before pouring over the bread.

Cervix Soft Closed 1day Before Af

Mousse de saumon

Ingredients 300 g of boiled salmon, 15 cl of cream, 1 dl of white sauce, ½ gallons of jelly fish.


Grind finely in a mortar and add the salmon sauce. Salt in a timely manner and season with plenty of pepper to sift and stir in gelatin after 7 cl of cream and partially assembled. Separately, pour into a special tile for a mousse made the jelly fish liquid, let it thicken, decorate it, possibly with truffles, then fill it almost completely with the past of salmon, and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Hand Tickling Underarms


Ingredients 4 small tomatoes, 200 g of celery, 100 g of Stachys (herb belonging to the mint family also known as "rabbit ears"), remoulade

Preparation Cut the circle the top of the tomatoes obtaining a lid and remove it to dig into them. Season and leave to drain for 30 min., Reversing the benefits.
Then fill with a salad of julienned celery, tied with remoulade sauce. Garnish with the peeled
stachys, previously cooked in hot water and lemon juice, seasoned with olive oil and salt. Arrange on a platter appetizer, garnish with parsley.

Supplier Sterling Silver Disc Stamping

Ingredients 100 g butter, 40 g of flour, ¼ l milk, 4 eggs, 100 g of grated Swiss cheese, nutmeg, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper

Preparation Melt butter, add flour and milk. Season with salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Reduce the mixture to a mass as dense as the white sauce, continuing to beat with a whisk over the fire. At the first boil, remove from heat and add the nutmeg and egg yolks. The mixture cools, add 4 egg whites and stir with a wooden spoon, also the grated cheese. With this mixture to ¾ fill a mold with butter and grated cheese sprinkled inside. Bake in a moderate oven and serve immediately.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Funny Congratulation Quotes For Newborns

The revolt of the poor

We Calimero the usual, but the usual really.
Newspapers and news programs do not speak of what's happening right now in University Italian . If you do not frequent the universities, if you're not waiting for the commencement lessons, there is no way to realize that these have been postponed that are starting very late. Oh God, even those who attend often realize and examples around me I have too many.
The reason for these delays is that researchers are on strike because of "Reform" Gelmini . I'm not wrong the quotes, but this is more than a reform an attempt to destroy public education .
The researchers do not fit.
From The Daily Done:
E ' especially the abolition of the post of researcher indefinitely to be challenged by protesters. "After expiry of the research grant, a researcher can only sign a contract for three years and then again one of the other three," says Alessandro Ferretti , representing Rete29Aprile, the website for those who protest. "The insecurity is so stretched by six years." If at the end of this period the researcher will be unable to obtain the ability to become an associate professor, will leave the university. To avoid this, a university might prefer to assign the post to be associated with a precarious, rather than a researcher with the most seniority who has signed a contract for an indefinite period before the reform. "It will be a war between poor" says Ferretti. "A gain from this disaster is not the university."
Apart from this, the researchers were concerned teaching: looking at the cards on the staff of the various university sites, try searching the names of professors who have examined and that took care of your lessons and you will see that it is mostly of researchers. was entirely voluntary, or rather, since it had to go forward cabin, addition to research, teaching was good . Now a contract to be disgusting and hours of compulsory education at the expense of research.
In this rectors acquire more power and baronies of the problem is not solved some , even for the son of the professor, cousin, uncle, grandfather, however, the university will, are the other fools to stay out.
And there's good news for the school: the latest in the Gelmini is ' start of school in October, because that families have the opportunity to go on holiday in September. Who? What families go on holiday? Those of temporary school, kicked out of researchers, teachers now walking, of factory workers and industries dropped to transfer production facilities in Eastern Europe, the displaced of L'Aquila (those were already on vacation) , farmers and ranchers destroyed from production quotas, small shopkeepers squeezed by supermarkets, the long-term unemployed in the southern pockets? Exactly who is this woman talking about?
A rebel came the League, that between madness and the other says something sensible. It 's the region to address when it begins and ends the school year, under the weather, tourism and European regulations establishing the minimum limit to 200 days of teaching. So if you start in October is expected to close in late June .... in South Italy? Yes, of course. And it snows in the North? Who made the long Christmas holidays?
Quello che vedo, nonostante e già prima di questi cambiamenti, è un'Italia sempre più ignorante , che non sa parlare più nella sua lingua madre e non si tratta dell'evoluzione naturale della lingua, ma di una degenerazione completa: aggettivi ridondanti, puntini di sospensione a caso o frasi chilometriche di cui si perde il senso. E tralascio i congiuntivi! Sono sfinita.