The Memorial Day was established to remember what happened during the Nazi-Fascist . organized the extermination of entire peoples merita un momento di riflessione e istituire una giornata senza però dedicarsi a capire realmente cosa è successo e a chi non ha nessun valore.
Non so quanto se ne parli in modo interessato e costruttivo a scuola (che peggiora di giorno in giorno), ma, se lo si fa, si tende sempre e solo a parlare degli ebrei . Le ragioni dovrebbero essere palesi: si tratta dei "ricchi" della situazione, di conseguenza il massimo rispetto e cordoglio è riferito soltanto a questo popolo.
Da qualche anno mi son presa l'onere di aprire delle finestre sulle tante etnie coinvolte. Tra i popoli dimenticati ci sono le etnie Sinti e Rom degli zingari, oggi ricordati anche, stranamente, President Napolitano . This destruction is called Porajmos , great devastation.
Recommended triangle with brown , Gypsies were seen as inferior peoples, of Aryan origin, but they had mixed their blood with that of the first Indian then to return to the Asian mix with that of other European peoples, including Slavs , taken by a people enslaved as they were subhuman.
not known how many Gypsies were exterminated in concentration camps . Some estimates go up to one million and a half victims. It is not possible to identify and all counts are not clear, because they are not defined and often family trees, being mostly nomadic peoples and in some cases, stateless persons are not registered in any state.
Under the consideration that one had to very low they were considered of great guinea pigs for a series of experiments , required more concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dechau.
The experiments were of a medical and military. One case concerned the freezing. The German Air Force was interested in discussing the time and remedies to freezing. One subject was immersed in a tub of ice water for an hour - An hour and a half. Occurs when the body temperature drops below 28 ° C, the prisoner died. Needless to say, were not required of test animals, much less human, that it was necessary to define thicken suits airmen for missions in the North Europe. been a number of remedies were used by fishermen in the North Sea: the r iscaldamento with human contact. Gypsy middle-aged women, who were then saved from sterilization, but practiced for the younger ones, were used to heat other guinea pigs previously soaked in ice water. There were hundreds of such experiments, to reach the conclusion that it was more effectively a hot bath to counteract freezing.
Always aviation commissioned experiments drinking salt water. 80 Gypsies were left to die of thirst or forced to drink salt water for the likelihood of survival, the possibility that it was already known to exist.
An experiment was extremely cruel to the groped to immunize humans against mustard gas and phosgene, a poison gas, in liquid form but get some deep burns . Again, these mice were selected Gypsies, as well as political dissidents. The experiment was simple: the gypsies were made come in pairs in a sealed chamber, a victim had been immunized with dell'urotropina, the other not. As the door closed, it automatically opened a vial of phosgene. The experiment lasted 20 minutes, then followed the next pair. The results were "brilliant" means immunized survived. But it was not enough: it was necessary to determine how quickly they could recover their strength after exposure. So the survivors were routed to the sound of whipping.
Not because of lesser horror, mass sterilization was another treatment of Gypsies and others, but to all those people considered by the Nazi-Fascist subhuman. Initially they were used surgical methods such as vasectomy and tubal ligament; we soon realized that this was a long and expensive method, so he made his way in experimentation. The Clauberg method involves the injection of irritating substances into the uterus with agony, accompanied by the threat of death if someone tries to rebel. The Schumann method involves spraying instead of direct X-rays for 15 minutes, the method was not effective, so security is returned to the surgical method for Gypsies and the victims were mostly girls aged 13-14.
Ultimately we can mention the experiments on twins Mengele, a doctor who carried out experiments with no scientific basis, obsessed by the twins both by traders to trade their bodies, groped transplant unlikely to implement cross-transfusion and with the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bsimultaneous death: their hearts were injected with phenol "hoping" to have died at the same time. These experiments concerned the twins of each ethnic group.
Ultimately, the treatment they suffered can be combined with that of other prisoners and are likely to be very repetitive and lists the methods of extermination are used as gas chambers. But what should be remembered is that there were too, as were homosexuals, transsexuals and lesbians, the handicapped, political dissidents, Witnesses Jehovah's criminals of various kinds and immigrants.
Remembering the life and suffering of these people should help us to better interpret the present, not to commit more errors of this kind, to be more aware of ourselves and our past. We had to be able to distinguish what is right and what is not, but sometimes I look around and realize that we have not learned anything from history: we fall into the same errors in a spiral of hatred that makes no sense.
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