Keppe is a beautiful cat: he has long hair, a dirty white con qualche macchia grigia qua e là, e una molto evidente sul nasino. E’ arrivato da noi il 5 maggio scorso. Ma non perché abbandonato. Il suo padrone per qualche tempo non era in grado di occuparsene. Non ci è voluto molto perché si ambientasse perfettamente sino a diventare un piccolo boss del gattile. Si era ambientato tanto bene da prendere anche lui l’abitudine dei nostri gatti di “lungo corso”. Anche lui aveva preso a fare capatine fuori del gattile e poi, come se nulla fosse, a sdraiarsi nel bel mezzo della strada, quasi che tutti fossero tenuti a scansarlo. E di fatti tutti lo scansavano! Era perfettamente a suo agio dentro e fuori del gattile.
E’ sparito a ottobre . E pare non di sua volontà. It seems that two boys were seen as if they were taking him away. It was certainly a bellssimo cat. But Keppie's got a boss, and notice, would come to take it back the next day. If those two guys reading this appeal, please bring back him. They would make a great gift to their master and also to all of us in the cattery. THANKS!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Metal Stands For Coffee Pots
Il 17 Ottobre tutte e tutti a Roma contro il Razzismo!
Il 7 ottobre del 1989 centinaia di migliaia di persone scendevano in piazza a Roma per la prima grande manifestazione contro il razzismo. Il 24 agosto dello stesso anno a Villa Literno, in provincia di Caserta, era stato ucciso un rifugiato sudafricano, Jerry Essan Masslo, noto per le sue battaglie contro il lavoro nero e lo sfruttamento degl'immigrati.
A 20 anni di distanza, il razzismo non è stato sconfitto, continua a provocare vittime e viene alimentato dalle politiche del governo Berlusconi. Il pacchetto sicurezza approvato dalla maggioranza di centrodestra risponde ad un persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversity.
Meanwhile, in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings trying to reach our shores. It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people formadi refusing any discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to all secular and religious associations, trade unions, social and political movements at all to any person to take to the streets October 17 to give life to a great popular demonstration in a position to give voice and visibility to all migrants and 'Italy does not accept that racism on the basis of these slogans
A 20 anni di distanza, il razzismo non è stato sconfitto, continua a provocare vittime e viene alimentato dalle politiche del governo Berlusconi. Il pacchetto sicurezza approvato dalla maggioranza di centrodestra risponde ad un persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversity.
Meanwhile, in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings trying to reach our shores. It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people formadi refusing any discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to all secular and religious associations, trade unions, social and political movements at all to any person to take to the streets October 17 to give life to a great popular demonstration in a position to give voice and visibility to all migrants and 'Italy does not accept that racism on the basis of these slogans
No racism
Regularization generalized for all
Repeal of the security package and
No rights for all the rejections and the bilateral agreements that provide them
sharp break with the link between residence and the employment contract
Right of asylum for refugees e profughi
Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione (CIE)
No alla contrapposizione fra italiani e stranieri nell´accesso ai diritti
Diritto al lavoro, alla salute, alla casa e all´istruzione per tutte etutti
Mantenimento del permesso di soggiorno per chi ha perso il lavoro
Contro ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle persone gay,lesbiche, transgender
A fianco di tutti i lavoratori e le lavoratrici in lotta per la difesa del posto di lavoro
Regularization generalized for all
Repeal of the security package and
No rights for all the rejections and the bilateral agreements that provide them
sharp break with the link between residence and the employment contract
Right of asylum for refugees e profughi
Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione (CIE)
No alla contrapposizione fra italiani e stranieri nell´accesso ai diritti
Diritto al lavoro, alla salute, alla casa e all´istruzione per tutte etutti
Mantenimento del permesso di soggiorno per chi ha perso il lavoro
Contro ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle persone gay,lesbiche, transgender
A fianco di tutti i lavoratori e le lavoratrici in lotta per la difesa del posto di lavoro
E cazzo e venitevene a Roma!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Severe Abdonimal Pain After Abdonimal Cerglarge
Luckily there is .... er PIDD
Question: Excuse me Mr Bersani because it is not going to vote in the House the motion sull'incostituzionalità tax shelter, offering to do the same to the Berlusconi government?
Answer: Mmmmmhhhh .... I did not .... I had the wrong tooth ... mmmmmhhhhh ......
Question: Excuse me, why do not you Mr D'Alema went to vote on the motion sull'incostituzionalità room tax shelter, a gift from the Berlusconi government did the same?
Answer: for charity .. I do not talk .. every year is always harder to find the right birthday present for the Knights ... that hard work!
Question: Excuse me Mr Franceschini, why not go to vote on the motion to the chamber sull'incostituzionalità tax shelter, a gift from the Berlusconi government did the same?
Answer: Greetings to you losers .. is time I won the weekend at Villa Grazioli! Yuuhhhhh!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Treiber Für 12.02.1086
How much is the blood shed in war.
With the bomb attack in central Kabul this morning, and that cost, so far the lives of six Italian soldiers and wounded four other Italians in uniform, over the killing of fifteen Afghan civilians and wounded about sixty other, go up to twenty victims between the Italian military contingent in Afghanistan in five years of mission "humanitarian."
Towards the victims and their families are right to express sorrow and grief. But not enough, there is a formula with which to wash the conscience.
This is a very high death toll, to be at the end with absolutely nothing in his hand, since according to Icos, an international body that monitors the security and development in Afghanistan, the Middle Eastern country's territory is is currently at 95% in the hands of the Taliban.
Not to mention that the much-publicized presidential elections earlier this month saw a high and a high abstention phenomenon of fraud detected by all international observers, so that the President-elect Karzai is increasingly regarded as an administrator senza reale appoggio da parte dei suoi compatrioti.
L’intervento militare in Afghanistan è sempre più inutile, nonostante le ossessive parole del ministro La Russa che anche oggi, al senato, ha riaffermato la ferma convinzione che la missione non si fermerà. Ciò nonostante la stessa Corte penale internazionale (Cpi) ha iniziato a raccogliere informazioni su possibili crimini di guerra commessi in Afghanistan dalle truppe Nato, e dai Talebani. Tra gli abusi commessi vi sarebbero attacchi indiscriminati contro la popolazione, torture e l'aver causato effetti collaterali al di là di quanto possa essere considerato inevitabile.
È venuto ormai il tempo per una strategia di uscita veloce e completa, ed il sostegno reconstruction of the country through the intensification of international cooperation, and is also coming forward to hear the strong voice of someone who is not it more to find out that Article 11 of our Constitution is clearly violated at a cost too many lives, from our government.
For those who want to can go to the protest, organized by the local anti-war realities, tomorrow's Friday 18, in Turin, from 17.00, in Piazza Castello, Via Garibaldi corner, demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Italian contingent in Afghanistan.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Calories In Vegatable Stir Fry
If a banner is scary to power ....
I do not write for a long ... but this round I can not shut up.
Watch and share it as much as possible!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Women Talking About Mastrabating
Testimony from Abruzzo
.. And you have to be happy all the time, that our cry is bad for the re ...
spend billions on an unnecessary and damaging to us even the crumbs we spend billions on weapons to reach only the latter, with the muzzle pointed at us with rockets around the school's financial police and airport Preturo, with snipers on rooftops viable Every evacuee has a badge, a badge with a lot of personal bar code, for enter and exit the field to shoot in the field to go out to eat. Civil Defence, police, military control our every move with the helicopters flying over the earthquake zone, civil defense has found some 380 "illegal". For earthquake victims camped outside the tent camp of tents and remove the food, so they are forced to go to these camps. But in the recently ended Preturo stocks and some people think that the close in view G8. Those living and working in the area of \u200b\u200bPreturo and couples, has been strongly urged to leave or to go to police headquarters to get permission to come and go home or tent for work. But police did the permissions of the civil protection and fortunate enough to have found work after the earthquake will probably be forced to leave for the day of the G8. Militarization is more impressive, checkpoints everywhere. First land cultivated with wheat have been expropriated to expand the airport, to build a highway in the light of the G8 to build thirty houses designed to accommodate the delegations from the G8 (the opportunity for Berlusconi has signed contracts with the best Italian furniture "Only fine furniture for the Big 8 ") This damn G8 will spend more than € 400milioni for quake victims instead of nothing, take away coffee and alcohol to avoid a nervous finish to stun them with the masses. But you know, even IDPs are made of flesh and the eye wants its part, so after the clowns, folklore performances and shrink made another nice designed to "entertain" their captivity: the beauty contest "Miss tent Abruzzo .
Network Emergency popular
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Lab Safety Word Crossword
What I will vote, who I will vote.
not there to make the'm too long, you know how I did.
European elections ahead. And
between a "Daddy" and various harangues against judges we talked about everything but the significance of this election.
What does the European Parliament? Well .. more or less should be a legislative body of address for the countries of the European Union, in reality abroad take it seriously, but here we only talk about it for us on service or on the salaries of parliamentarians to discuss how you should make pizza. Imagine if the Italian media to give news of the lost time position papers on "working hours", "multi-ethnic integration," "civil rights" or other materials in cui il parlamento delibera….
Credo che l’eurogruppo che meglio si sia mosso in questi anni sia stato quello della Gue/Ngl, ovvero il Gruppo parlamentare della Sinistra Unitaria Europea – Sinistra Verde Nordica che unisce partiti comunisti, anticapitalisti, socialisti di sinistra ed ecologisti.
Pensateci quello che volete, ma mi sono sentito rappresentato da loro, non certo da quello dei socialisti (dove, forse, chissà, dovrebbero sedere gli eletti del Pd) o dei liberali (dove dovrebbero sedere gli eletti dell’Italia dei valori) o dai popolari (dove siedono gli eletti italiani del pdl e dell’udc), spesso d’accordo tra loro nel votare delibere a favore dei grandi capitalisti, della Nato, privatization, of the great works useless, etc ... .. I will vote
taking my responsibility to this.
will vote on the list that links PRC Communist - Italian Communists - Socialism 2000 because candidates Dijana Pavlovic, the only candidate Roma Italian parties.
European elections ahead. And
between a "Daddy" and various harangues against judges we talked about everything but the significance of this election.
What does the European Parliament? Well .. more or less should be a legislative body of address for the countries of the European Union, in reality abroad take it seriously, but here we only talk about it for us on service or on the salaries of parliamentarians to discuss how you should make pizza. Imagine if the Italian media to give news of the lost time position papers on "working hours", "multi-ethnic integration," "civil rights" or other materials in cui il parlamento delibera….
Credo che l’eurogruppo che meglio si sia mosso in questi anni sia stato quello della Gue/Ngl, ovvero il Gruppo parlamentare della Sinistra Unitaria Europea – Sinistra Verde Nordica che unisce partiti comunisti, anticapitalisti, socialisti di sinistra ed ecologisti.
Pensateci quello che volete, ma mi sono sentito rappresentato da loro, non certo da quello dei socialisti (dove, forse, chissà, dovrebbero sedere gli eletti del Pd) o dei liberali (dove dovrebbero sedere gli eletti dell’Italia dei valori) o dai popolari (dove siedono gli eletti italiani del pdl e dell’udc), spesso d’accordo tra loro nel votare delibere a favore dei grandi capitalisti, della Nato, privatization, of the great works useless, etc ... .. I will vote
taking my responsibility to this.
will vote on the list that links PRC Communist - Italian Communists - Socialism 2000 because candidates Dijana Pavlovic, the only candidate Roma Italian parties.
Dijana Pavlović (Vrnjacka Banja, 1976) is a naturalized Italian Serbian, Romani. Born and raised in Serbia until 1999, Dijana graduated the same year in "School of Dramatic Arts" in Belgrade. In 1999 he moved to Milan, where he married and where he currently works. Dijana some time promoting the culture and literature Roma and also plays the role of cultural mediator in schools. She was nominated for the town council of Milan in 2006 in the U.S. list with Dario For and the Italian Parliament in 2008 in the ranks of the Rainbow Left. In early 2007, promotes associations, committees, representatives of civil society Nopattodilegalità Network which aims to tackle the legal and social pact of the City of Milan and submit it to a dual legal system of the Roma citizens in October 2007, implementing a hunger strike against the City of Milan, favors the creation of a table - which brings together associations and trade unions in Milan - which issues a platform for action on the Roma issue is now
candidate list for the unitary and anti-communist elections. Italy is a multicultural and multiethnic state, helps to sustain the battle of civilization and dignity of all people! Dijana Pavlović Vote!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Toilet For Large Penis
Few chat, move!
June 2, 2009, at 15:00. All in Novara! More social spending and less military spending!
The parliamentary procedure for the approval of the settlement, per room (NO), the death factory for the assembly of F-35 is now defined. A from 2010 will start the construction of the shed from which will come out of the machines that will be delivered in different states who will use them to bomb and kill.
The military-industrial enterprise is conducted with a large expenditure of public money, the U.S. multinational Lockheed Martin in association Italian Alenia Aeronautica (Finmeccanica group) and will involve a large number of arms factories of death and placed here and there on our territory. In short, the reset as a route out of economic crisis, as with the Great Depression of the '30s and the Great Depression of the late '800. Too bad that in both cases, this road has resulted in world wars. Certainly, the use of the new bombers in missions of peace "will produce destruction, death and suffering.
Sure the F-35 are the perfect tools for operating a sort of gendarmerie in the process of perfecting the world: once built will do some rust in some hangar Italian or Dutch, but will soon be used to kill and destroy in various wars, both current and future.Gli F-35 will cost us a lot of money: € 600 million to build and activate the factory Cameri, about 13 billion euro (in installments until 2026) for the purchase of 131 aircraft that Italy wants to possess. The rest has already been spent or committed nearly a billion euro. And what is even more impressive given the current economic crisis. No one can deny that an expenditure of this magnitude could be no doubt create more of the poor 600 jobs promised in the establishment of Cameri. It may also intervene in various ways to improve the living conditions of all: for example, expanding and improving the quality of social spending, really protecting territories and cities (think of the effects of the earthquake Abruzzo), investing in renewable energy sources and redistributing income . And then they want to build the F-35 on the border of the natural park of Ticino, which should therefore bear the impact of the testing of hundreds and hundreds of noisy aircraft and certainly pollutants, with its serious consequences for the health and quality of life of local residents, while the redevelopment of the site could be military to civilian use.
Ultimately, we are against the F-35 because we persist in thinking that it is possible to live in another way, without attacking other people, not militarize the area and social relations, to cease doing really terrible that the permanent war ' West leads the rich against the poor North and South. All
in Novara, then, June 2, 2009 at 15:00 in front of the train station in Piazza Garibaldi. From there we start to walk the streets for crying out loud, and our opposition to the nth firm death.
against the militarization of their territories against the factories of death, against all wars, for the conversion of military sites for civilian use, for a different economic model.
June 2, 2009, at 15:00. All in Novara! More social spending and less military spending!
The parliamentary procedure for the approval of the settlement, per room (NO), the death factory for the assembly of F-35 is now defined. A from 2010 will start the construction of the shed from which will come out of the machines that will be delivered in different states who will use them to bomb and kill.
The military-industrial enterprise is conducted with a large expenditure of public money, the U.S. multinational Lockheed Martin in association Italian Alenia Aeronautica (Finmeccanica group) and will involve a large number of arms factories of death and placed here and there on our territory. In short, the reset as a route out of economic crisis, as with the Great Depression of the '30s and the Great Depression of the late '800. Too bad that in both cases, this road has resulted in world wars. Certainly, the use of the new bombers in missions of peace "will produce destruction, death and suffering.
Sure the F-35 are the perfect tools for operating a sort of gendarmerie in the process of perfecting the world: once built will do some rust in some hangar Italian or Dutch, but will soon be used to kill and destroy in various wars, both current and future.Gli F-35 will cost us a lot of money: € 600 million to build and activate the factory Cameri, about 13 billion euro (in installments until 2026) for the purchase of 131 aircraft that Italy wants to possess. The rest has already been spent or committed nearly a billion euro. And what is even more impressive given the current economic crisis. No one can deny that an expenditure of this magnitude could be no doubt create more of the poor 600 jobs promised in the establishment of Cameri. It may also intervene in various ways to improve the living conditions of all: for example, expanding and improving the quality of social spending, really protecting territories and cities (think of the effects of the earthquake Abruzzo), investing in renewable energy sources and redistributing income . And then they want to build the F-35 on the border of the natural park of Ticino, which should therefore bear the impact of the testing of hundreds and hundreds of noisy aircraft and certainly pollutants, with its serious consequences for the health and quality of life of local residents, while the redevelopment of the site could be military to civilian use.
Ultimately, we are against the F-35 because we persist in thinking that it is possible to live in another way, without attacking other people, not militarize the area and social relations, to cease doing really terrible that the permanent war ' West leads the rich against the poor North and South. All
in Novara, then, June 2, 2009 at 15:00 in front of the train station in Piazza Garibaldi. From there we start to walk the streets for crying out loud, and our opposition to the nth firm death.
against the militarization of their territories against the factories of death, against all wars, for the conversion of military sites for civilian use, for a different economic model.
For accessions: - For information:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Information On Impetigo In A Hair Salon
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mixer Grinder Which Makes The Least Noise
Waiting .....
Care and loved ones.
This is a period a bit 'special for myself, there are new and important things at stake, which I take to be a very emotional point of view.
Family, work, politics.
For all three the spheres are decisive days and trembling. I'm not going to say it by now.
Know that I am giving my best.
But I would give my heartfelt thanks to Dario Franceschini, Secretary of genius that inspired the party that is the Democratic Party.
Thanks to his work, Silvio Berlusconi and his gang of fascists, dwarfs, dancers, gangsters and various clerical celebrates this year on April 25. In their own way of course. With a good show from Onna, a country destroyed by the earthquake in Italy. Offering a beautiful lesson in historical revisionism. Franceschini
Thanks! If the grace received the TV, newspapers and so they stopped one day a year to look to spot in its broadcasting, to commemorate the sacrifice of the partisans who fought Nazi fascism, here from now on even for that time him to keep the fuck out.
And this is dedicated to those who should have power to memory:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Bus Like To The Rescue Game
Abruzzo earthquake: active solidarity
Rifondazione Comunista organized brigades of active solidarity with the people affected by the earthquake in Italy. The field for the reception of our comrades has been set up in places Tempera, a few kilometers from L'Aquila. The Federation of Pescara
Prc (via F. German, 8) functions as a center for collecting materials and shelter for evacuees.
Individuals or facilities that are able di accogliere gli sfollati sono pregati quindi di chiamare il numero 085.66788
Chiunque volesse partecipare all'organizzazione dei soccorsi può chiamare:
Federazione Prc Pescara : 085.66788 (accoglienza evacuati)
Richi : 339.3255805 (generi di prima necessità come acqua, pasta, latte UHT, biscotti)
Marco Fars : 334.6976120
Francesco Piobbichi : 334.6883166 o spedire una mail al seguente indirizzo:
C'è necessità urgente di : tavoli e sedie, coperte, sacchi a pelo, asciugamani, biancheria, pigiami, tende, gazebo, vestiario soprattutto for children, basic necessities (water, UHT milk, pasta, rice, biscuits, sugar, coffee, tomatoes, olive oil, canned variety, toilet paper, soap, laundry soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, detergent, disinfectant, paper towels, dressings, gloves, garbage bags, towels, napkins and diapers for infants and elderly, baby food, plates and plastic cups etc ...)
WARNING! We call upon all those who are starting to carry their rescue: Do not leave without having first called the numbers provided. Be equipped and mostly self-sufficient both for the food that housing. If you prefer to send
a financial contribution you can send it to: Bank Account recast ABRUZZO ; IBAN: IT32J0312703201CC0340001497 or via credit card online subscription for updates and information:
Monday, March 23, 2009
Convertingbackup File Tosql Server
No dismantling of the Consolidated Law on Safety at Work !!!!!
months ago we talked about the appeal for the reinstatement of the driver Dante De Angelis, but now there's a bigger battle to fight, and that is for the defense to the Consolidated Safety lavoro, che rischia di essere smantellato da questo governo. Per favore, firmate l'appello di Articolo 21 in difesa del Testo Unico (Dlgs 81 del 9 Aprile 2008). Per farlo, cliccate sul link a fine post, e inserite nell'apposito modulo, nome, cognome, professione, email, e città.
P.S Inoltre, girate questo appello a tutti i vostri contatti, e se qualcuno ha un sito web o un blog la pubblichi per cortesia.
Lavoro: il governo non manometta il testo unico sulla sicurezza!
Il governo ha annunciato, ma speriamo it is a false announcement that the next Council of Ministers intended to tamper with the text only for the safety also approved in the previous government and still largely ignored. It speaks insistently of a reduction in sanctions and penalties that are also very small in many cases substantially bypassed for lack of necessary controls. Intentions that we do not like that at all and are in complete harmony with the views expressed repeatedly by the most aggressive of Confindustria. A few days ago the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who has made this issue a hallmark of his term he had invited everyone to remain vigilant even and especially in this period of severe economic and social crisis. The announced measures beyond the evidence supplied does not go in this direction. For these reasons Articolo21 decided to launch a campaign and a petition asking the government not to take this decision and not take these measures at the next Council of Ministers.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Persuasive Piece On Cancer
those moments. ....
There are moments in which people, even famous ones, are left to go to intimate confidences or situations outside the norm.
We managed to find some incriminating photographs of a country singer in the private eastern Kazakhstan, which we transferred them in exchange for a package of sunflower seeds and a disc of Nicola di Bari
Attention is rough situations, such as that of the security package ....
Veltroni in his new job as a clerk to the sewers of Rome-place finish thanks to a recommendation by Allemann.
Ratzinger signed some Bavarian pupils a copy of "Mein Kampf" by Hitler, which contains a preface enthusiastic.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hammerhead Twister Manual
Gaza, two months later .....
The Italian delegation has arrived SOS Gaza at the Rafah crossing remains closed. The wounded Palestinians continue to die, including template just three years. The Italian delegation
'SOS Gaza' Forum organized by the Palestine, arrived this morning at the Rafah crossing in an attempt to enter the Gaza Strip to deliver the Al Awda Hospital Funds raised in Italy in recent weeks. Currently, the Rafah crossing remains closed. The delegation is due back in Al Arish, where there are other international delegations that are waiting to enter Gaza. The delegation had Monday visited the Palestinians wounded in the recent Israeli bombing in Gaza, Palestine in hospital in Cairo. Many wounded had to undergo amputation of limbs and other shows terrible burns from the use of phosphorous weapons by Israel. The delegation met with doctors from the Red Crescent, which offered a devastating picture of emergency and humanitarian assistance to Gaza. The delegation announced yesterday afternoon that two more people died during the day in Egypt as a result of injuries sustained in the Gaza Strip during the bombing campaign known as Operation 'Lead Time'. A girl of three years, Dima, who was seriously injured yesterday visited the Palestine Hospital in Cairo by the winds Italian, activists of the Palestine Forum and doctors and educators, died during the afternoon, informed us that Mila Pernice is part of the delegation. This brings to 1455 the number of victims, mostly Palestinian civilians, the Israeli offensive. Israeli aircraft today bombed more 'shooting in southern Gaza Strip, wounding six people. Palestinian doctors have announced. According to witnesses, the fighters of Tel Aviv have made at least seven raids. A spokesman di Tsahal ha confermato che l'aviazione ha compiuto sei raid nei pressi di Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza, ''in risposta alla raffica di razzi lanciati la scorsa settimana''. I soldati israeliani hanno anche sparato contro alcuni contadini palestinesi nella città di Al-Farrahin, ad est di Khan Younis, costringendoli ad abbandonare il proprio lavoro nei campi.
Per altre info:
'SOS Gaza' Forum organized by the Palestine, arrived this morning at the Rafah crossing in an attempt to enter the Gaza Strip to deliver the Al Awda Hospital Funds raised in Italy in recent weeks. Currently, the Rafah crossing remains closed. The delegation is due back in Al Arish, where there are other international delegations that are waiting to enter Gaza. The delegation had Monday visited the Palestinians wounded in the recent Israeli bombing in Gaza, Palestine in hospital in Cairo. Many wounded had to undergo amputation of limbs and other shows terrible burns from the use of phosphorous weapons by Israel. The delegation met with doctors from the Red Crescent, which offered a devastating picture of emergency and humanitarian assistance to Gaza. The delegation announced yesterday afternoon that two more people died during the day in Egypt as a result of injuries sustained in the Gaza Strip during the bombing campaign known as Operation 'Lead Time'. A girl of three years, Dima, who was seriously injured yesterday visited the Palestine Hospital in Cairo by the winds Italian, activists of the Palestine Forum and doctors and educators, died during the afternoon, informed us that Mila Pernice is part of the delegation. This brings to 1455 the number of victims, mostly Palestinian civilians, the Israeli offensive. Israeli aircraft today bombed more 'shooting in southern Gaza Strip, wounding six people. Palestinian doctors have announced. According to witnesses, the fighters of Tel Aviv have made at least seven raids. A spokesman di Tsahal ha confermato che l'aviazione ha compiuto sei raid nei pressi di Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza, ''in risposta alla raffica di razzi lanciati la scorsa settimana''. I soldati israeliani hanno anche sparato contro alcuni contadini palestinesi nella città di Al-Farrahin, ad est di Khan Younis, costringendoli ad abbandonare il proprio lavoro nei campi.
Per altre info:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mixer Grinder With The Least Noise
Una ronda non fa primavera....
La matematica non è un'opinione.
Me lo sento dire da una vita.
E se poi i numeri is the data coming from the Interior Ministry, the Interior Ministry headquarters, you would think that they are actually the result of rigorous research on the reality, despite Maroni, of course ....
Well just from the offices of District 51 of the keyboard, Varese band that re-known pop songs and soul where our beloved leader Po, Minister in his spare time, you discover that mathematics is flying, in order: the anti patrols rapes, the policy of the center-right and the services of Open Studio.
Data from the Interior Ministry said that 60% of the rapists is Italian, Romania 7.8%, 6.3% Moroccan. Another army of Romanians who are ready to rape the Italian. The danger is closer. He the same nationality. He lives in the house. Indeed inside the house. And maybe listen to the festival of San Remo between a slap and the other, singing songs Povia, This Mortal Coil and Marco Carta ... As recently clarified
Manuela Morolo, president of the Women Difference, which carries on for years in Rome valuable work, unique offers women who suffer domestic violence can go home and rebuild their lives. "It 's something more than rebuild their lives - obviously - is to find themselves", only 2-3% of rapes are violent. 97% occurs in the family. Husbands, boyfriends, brothers, fathers and ex. The same people who make the rounds. Good news for many women who know that these thugs for a few nights without touching ...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Can I Buy Foley Catheters Without A Prescription
Sin Palabra ( speechless )
Silvio Berlusconi for strutting these two military loved ones shown above could be two jokers. Instead they are
Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Massera.
That the two principal leaders of the coup in 1976 brought to power in a bloody military junta in Argentina.
Between 1976 and 1983 there were as many as 30,000 civilians Argentina (young underage boys, students, professors, intellectuals, workers, trade unionists, human rights workers Third World and religious, etc ...) that were made to disappear in a violent way.
According to some sources (often involved in the testimonies of soldiers), many disappearances were sedated and placed on the Rio de la Plata (now called the killings are vuelos de la muerte, death flights). Others were detained in concentration camps, from a very famous school was the training of Navy ESMA, in Buenos Aires. Still others were aboard military aircraft and later dumped in the Atlantic with the belly pierced by a knife so that their bodies then they should not return to the surface. Another infamous episode that had its peak in September 1976, called Night of Broken pencils, during which high school students, 16-17 year olds who had demonstrated in the streets in protest for the removal of the card that allowed Student discounts on textbooks and transportation, were seized, subjected to unspeakable torture, and for the most part, killed .
Many women gave birth while detained by the military were detained, many of them were killed, and their children were illegally assigned for adoption to military families and police officers.
Read more you recommend this site: (Association of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo ": Argentine human rights organization which aims to locate and return alle famiglie legittime tutti i bambini sequestrati e desaparecidos)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sample Affidavit For Immigration
Nessuna imposizione e intimidazione verso la popolazione No Dal Molin!
Se c'è qualcosa di veramente odioso, questa è la prevaricazione del forte contro il debole.
Ed in una società dove Golia prende più voti di Davide, potete immaginare come questo sia dirompente per ogni dignità accetabile.
Due giorni fa la decisione, a Vicenza, delle forze dell'ordine, guidate dal Questore Sarlo, di mettere the area adjacent to the Dal Molin in Vicenza and the whole state by military curfew, so any gathering of more than 3 persons shall be considered an unauthorized demonstration and individuals subject to threat of arrest, and also for the charges incurred by citizens in area adjacent to Via Ferrarin fills me with contempt for the precipitation of tones and practices that defuse any dialogue channel between the peaceful and popular resistance in the city of Vicenza and who, in government buildings, you see that puppet of the Commissariat Costa, pushing for the building of a drawing showing an inadmissible forced militarization of the area.
To respect the values \u200b\u200bof peace, justice, freedom of expression I can only ask you to support the appeal: VICENZA IS NOT a criminal organization, which calls for a demonstration Saturday, February 14 with Departure 14.30 of Lords.
To respect the values \u200b\u200bof peace, justice, freedom of expression I can only ask you to support the appeal: VICENZA IS NOT a criminal organization, which calls for a demonstration Saturday, February 14 with Departure 14.30 of Lords.
For accessions:
Even for someone like myself, can not be physically present at the event would be an important gesture of mutual support and to spread even in their territories in the battle of those who believe in democracy, and participation in the values \u200b\u200bof peace, justice, freedom of expression.
I would say you can do.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Telephone Extension Booster
Care and dear how are you? I
messy, so I can not as I would like to move from here as I would like to keep updating my blog as I want. A partial compensation
you place a strip of Gipi, ironic and essential cartoonist who published in "International" his stories high intensity of feelings ....
Thanks to Samantha for letting me know through the book: LMVDM (My Life Designed Male)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Conversehigh Heels Ebay
My name is Patrick. I am 46 years old. They are completely paralyzed. Edema has reduced me to celebrate like that. I'm basically dead weight. One morning a few months ago, the Carabinieri arrived at my house. They had paper in his hands. It was an order of interim measure in prison. The police, when they realized how I have been puzzled. At first they would not arrest me even more. They also called the magistrate, but there was nothing to do. I'm paralyzed, I had to go to jail. So I was taken in weight and loaded onto a lot to prevent it from falling down the stairs. Arrived in the prison of Reggio Calabria, as the infirmary there, I was transported up to what would be my cell. A small room with a cot. Before you settle on that cot Who have put a plastic sheet. A precaution to ensure that I could not move to go in wet, dirty mattress. After I was lying down, the cell door was closed and I was alone. Only in that cell, forced property on that bed. There was no one to help me or just needs to make to change position. No one to help me to drink a glass of water. None. Even the drugs that I have to take regularly, I was given at random. Or even, as often happened, I was given at all. The result was that I fainted several times. Several times I had seizures. Missed by more confused when I woke up, dirtier and more alone than before. Held from the days I spent so paralyzed. Not infrequently, seeing reduced in this state, I felt that I no longer wanted to live. More than once I caught myself thinking how could I be able to call it quits. On the other hand in my state is not easy! The night was worse time. Nobody listened to my requests for help. No one ever came into my cell to ask me how I was and if I needed anything. I'm not ashamed to tell that one evening I was so desperate that I started to cry. I had made the needs and were hours that I waited for someone to help me clean myself. I thought I was crazy. Only the day after an inmate took care of me. Then one morning came into my cell as the judge to interrogate. He looked at me like I was astonished to be reduced. As if he did not know that I was paralyzed. The air was stifling because of the fact that I was not washed for days it changed, so that a prison guard opened the cell window. The questioning did not last long. That judge asked me how could I prove that I was paralyzed. The rest, if not enough for him to see me in that state, could acquire the medical records. After he went away without saying anything. I spent another week inside the cell. Another week of hell. Was getting worse. I began to have creases from bedsores. The pain was excruciating and the strong desire to have an infection. My health, already precarious, weakened by the day. And also my emotional balance I was abbandonando.Un afternoon arrived nurses. They had a lot in his hands. Sack that had brought me in jail, now I was back home. Now I am under house arrest, and I look forward to be judicata. I do not want pity. Neither the state nor to my what I went through. But I decided to tell my story because I think it's fair to know the torture I suffered. Why torture has taken. Every year some
representative institutions has gone, with lots of students in tow, to Auschwitz to commemorate the victims of Nazism. A few kilometers from Rome, there are at least two camps called "Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals." Once known as a criminal lunatic asylums, who guarded prisoners in the throes of mental disorder to order, had committed heinous crimes. The mission of these facilities should be the treatment of those disorders through a rehabilitation program which provided the use of drugs and the use of multidisciplinary staff. In fact, the "patients" were subjected to "shock" and "resting" on the beds or containers, filled with drugs. With the introduction of the law Basaglia, are also abolished criminal asylums, but only formally. Today they are called "judicial psychiatric hospitals" and keep people convicted of murder but not confined in ordinary prisons because "not capable of discernment." A superficial change, because in Montelupo Fiorentino and Aversa, a condition in which these poor wretches live is incredible. In seven to eight cells occupy small, in the midst of their droppings, no hot water. The only cure is practiced in the administration of drugs and the use of restraint in bed. If any hospital is allowed to complain, he received the psychological torture and could spend a lifetime imprisoned in these camps.
representative institutions has gone, with lots of students in tow, to Auschwitz to commemorate the victims of Nazism. A few kilometers from Rome, there are at least two camps called "Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals." Once known as a criminal lunatic asylums, who guarded prisoners in the throes of mental disorder to order, had committed heinous crimes. The mission of these facilities should be the treatment of those disorders through a rehabilitation program which provided the use of drugs and the use of multidisciplinary staff. In fact, the "patients" were subjected to "shock" and "resting" on the beds or containers, filled with drugs. With the introduction of the law Basaglia, are also abolished criminal asylums, but only formally. Today they are called "judicial psychiatric hospitals" and keep people convicted of murder but not confined in ordinary prisons because "not capable of discernment." A superficial change, because in Montelupo Fiorentino and Aversa, a condition in which these poor wretches live is incredible. In seven to eight cells occupy small, in the midst of their droppings, no hot water. The only cure is practiced in the administration of drugs and the use of restraint in bed. If any hospital is allowed to complain, he received the psychological torture and could spend a lifetime imprisoned in these camps.
Dear Members, get up from your chair, put an end to this mess and avoid wasting public money by going to Germany.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
If Someone Has Hiv Do They Get Sick Alot
I've used white phosphorus artillery
of Simcha Leventhal ( veteran corps of artillery, the Israeli army and a founding member of Breaking the Silence )
Il Manifesto, 22 / 01/2009
I served as a gunner in the division M109 Israeli army from 2000 to 2003 and was trained to use weapons that Israel is using Gaza. I know for a fact that the deaths of Palestinian civilians are not an unfortunate accident but a calculated result. The bombs that the Israeli army has used in Gaza kill anyone within 50 meters from the explosion and is likely to injure anyone within 200 meters. Aware of the impact of these weapons, the military establishment prevent their use, even in combat, less than 350 meters away from their soldiers (250 meters if they are soldiers in armored vehicles). Stories and photos from Gaza leaves no room for doubt: The Israeli army has used this white phosphorus bombs, which were part of the arsenal even when I was serving in the army. International law forbids their use in densely populated urban areas due to severe burns that result: the bomb exploded a few tens of meters before reaching the ground, so as to enhance their effects, and sends 116 flaming shards of phosphorus in a ' area of \u200b\u200bmore than 250 meters. During our training, commanders told us not to call these weapons "white phosphorous", but "explosive smoke" because the use of international law prohibiting it. Since the beginning of the raid, I watched the news with anger and dismay. I am appalled by the fact that soldiers My country shoot heavy artillery on a densely populated city, and that use of white phosphorus munitions. Maybe our great writers do not know how these weapons, but you sure know our military hierarchies. 1300 Palestinians have died since the beginning of the attack and more than 5,000 were injured. According to the most optimistic estimates, more than half the Palestinians killed were civilians caught in the crossfire, and hundreds of them were children. Our managers are aware of the consequences of the war strategy on their part, argue cynically that each of those deaths were an unfortunate incidente.Voglio be clear: there has been no accident. Those who choose to use artillery pesante e fosforo bianco in una delle aree urbane più densamente popolate del mondo sanno perfettamente, come anche io sapevo, che molte persone innocenti sono destinate a morire. Poiché conoscevano in anticipo i prevedibili risultati della loro strategia di guerra, le morti civili a Gaza di questo mese non possono essere definite onestamente un disgraziato incidente.Questo mese, ho assistito all'ulteriore erosione della statura morale del mio esercito e della mia società. Una condotta morale richiede che non solo si annunci la propria volontà di non colpire i civili, ma che si adotti una strategia di combattimento conseguente. Usare artiglieria pesante e fosforo bianco in un'area urbana densamente popolata e sostenere poi che i civili sono stati uccisi per error is outrageous and immoral.
Spread this article, especially to those who queued to the chorus of pro-Israel proper operation of self-defense .....
Why was not a war but a deliberate massacre!
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