Gaza, two months later .....

The Italian delegation has arrived SOS Gaza at the Rafah crossing remains closed. The wounded Palestinians continue to die, including template just three years. The Italian delegation
'SOS Gaza' Forum organized by the Palestine, arrived this morning at the Rafah crossing in an attempt to enter the Gaza Strip to deliver the Al Awda Hospital Funds raised in Italy in recent weeks. Currently, the Rafah crossing remains closed. The delegation is due back in Al Arish, where there are other international delegations that are waiting to enter Gaza. The delegation had Monday visited the Palestinians wounded in the recent Israeli bombing in Gaza, Palestine in hospital in Cairo. Many wounded had to undergo amputation of limbs and other shows terrible burns from the use of phosphorous weapons by Israel. The delegation met with doctors from the Red Crescent, which offered a devastating picture of emergency and humanitarian assistance to Gaza. The delegation announced yesterday afternoon that two more people died during the day in Egypt as a result of injuries sustained in the Gaza Strip during the bombing campaign known as Operation 'Lead Time'. A girl of three years, Dima, who was seriously injured yesterday visited the Palestine Hospital in Cairo by the winds Italian, activists of the Palestine Forum and doctors and educators, died during the afternoon, informed us that Mila Pernice is part of the delegation. This brings to 1455 the number of victims, mostly Palestinian civilians, the Israeli offensive. Israeli aircraft today bombed more 'shooting in southern Gaza Strip, wounding six people. Palestinian doctors have announced. According to witnesses, the fighters of Tel Aviv have made at least seven raids. A spokesman di Tsahal ha confermato che l'aviazione ha compiuto sei raid nei pressi di Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza, ''in risposta alla raffica di razzi lanciati la scorsa settimana''. I soldati israeliani hanno anche sparato contro alcuni contadini palestinesi nella città di Al-Farrahin, ad est di Khan Younis, costringendoli ad abbandonare il proprio lavoro nei campi.
Per altre info:
'SOS Gaza' Forum organized by the Palestine, arrived this morning at the Rafah crossing in an attempt to enter the Gaza Strip to deliver the Al Awda Hospital Funds raised in Italy in recent weeks. Currently, the Rafah crossing remains closed. The delegation is due back in Al Arish, where there are other international delegations that are waiting to enter Gaza. The delegation had Monday visited the Palestinians wounded in the recent Israeli bombing in Gaza, Palestine in hospital in Cairo. Many wounded had to undergo amputation of limbs and other shows terrible burns from the use of phosphorous weapons by Israel. The delegation met with doctors from the Red Crescent, which offered a devastating picture of emergency and humanitarian assistance to Gaza. The delegation announced yesterday afternoon that two more people died during the day in Egypt as a result of injuries sustained in the Gaza Strip during the bombing campaign known as Operation 'Lead Time'. A girl of three years, Dima, who was seriously injured yesterday visited the Palestine Hospital in Cairo by the winds Italian, activists of the Palestine Forum and doctors and educators, died during the afternoon, informed us that Mila Pernice is part of the delegation. This brings to 1455 the number of victims, mostly Palestinian civilians, the Israeli offensive. Israeli aircraft today bombed more 'shooting in southern Gaza Strip, wounding six people. Palestinian doctors have announced. According to witnesses, the fighters of Tel Aviv have made at least seven raids. A spokesman di Tsahal ha confermato che l'aviazione ha compiuto sei raid nei pressi di Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza, ''in risposta alla raffica di razzi lanciati la scorsa settimana''. I soldati israeliani hanno anche sparato contro alcuni contadini palestinesi nella città di Al-Farrahin, ad est di Khan Younis, costringendoli ad abbandonare il proprio lavoro nei campi.
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