Thursday, January 22, 2009

If Someone Has Hiv Do They Get Sick Alot

I've used white phosphorus artillery
of Simcha Leventhal ( veteran corps of artillery, the Israeli army and a founding member of Breaking the Silence )

Il Manifesto, 22 / 01/2009

I served as a gunner in the division M109 Israeli army from 2000 to 2003 and was trained to use weapons that Israel is using Gaza. I know for a fact that the deaths of Palestinian civilians are not an unfortunate accident but a calculated result. The bombs that the Israeli army has used in Gaza kill anyone within 50 meters from the explosion and is likely to injure anyone within 200 meters. Aware of the impact of these weapons, the military establishment prevent their use, even in combat, less than 350 meters away from their soldiers (250 meters if they are soldiers in armored vehicles). Stories and photos from Gaza leaves no room for doubt: The Israeli army has used this white phosphorus bombs, which were part of the arsenal even when I was serving in the army. International law forbids their use in densely populated urban areas due to severe burns that result: the bomb exploded a few tens of meters before reaching the ground, so as to enhance their effects, and sends 116 flaming shards of phosphorus in a ' area of \u200b\u200bmore than 250 meters. During our training, commanders told us not to call these weapons "white phosphorous", but "explosive smoke" because the use of international law prohibiting it. Since the beginning of the raid, I watched the news with anger and dismay. I am appalled by the fact that soldiers My country shoot heavy artillery on a densely populated city, and that use of white phosphorus munitions. Maybe our great writers do not know how these weapons, but you sure know our military hierarchies. 1300 Palestinians have died since the beginning of the attack and more than 5,000 were injured. According to the most optimistic estimates, more than half the Palestinians killed were civilians caught in the crossfire, and hundreds of them were children. Our managers are aware of the consequences of the war strategy on their part, argue cynically that each of those deaths were an unfortunate incidente.Voglio be clear: there has been no accident. Those who choose to use artillery pesante e fosforo bianco in una delle aree urbane più densamente popolate del mondo sanno perfettamente, come anche io sapevo, che molte persone innocenti sono destinate a morire. Poiché conoscevano in anticipo i prevedibili risultati della loro strategia di guerra, le morti civili a Gaza di questo mese non possono essere definite onestamente un disgraziato incidente.Questo mese, ho assistito all'ulteriore erosione della statura morale del mio esercito e della mia società. Una condotta morale richiede che non solo si annunci la propria volontà di non colpire i civili, ma che si adotti una strategia di combattimento conseguente. Usare artiglieria pesante e fosforo bianco in un'area urbana densamente popolata e sostenere poi che i civili sono stati uccisi per error is outrageous and immoral.
Spread this article, especially to those who queued to the chorus of pro-Israel proper operation of self-defense .....
Why was not a war but a deliberate massacre!


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