Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bus Like To The Rescue Game

Abruzzo earthquake: active solidarity

Rifondazione Comunista organized brigades of active solidarity with the people affected by the earthquake in Italy. The field for the reception of our comrades has been set up in places Tempera, a few kilometers from L'Aquila. The Federation of Pescara
Prc (via F. German, 8) functions as a center for collecting materials and shelter for evacuees.
Individuals or facilities that are able di accogliere gli sfollati sono pregati quindi di chiamare il numero 085.66788
Chiunque volesse partecipare all'organizzazione dei soccorsi può chiamare:
Federazione Prc Pescara : 085.66788 (accoglienza evacuati)
Richi : 339.3255805 (generi di prima necessità come acqua, pasta, latte UHT, biscotti)
Marco Fars : 334.6976120
Francesco Piobbichi : 334.6883166 o spedire una mail al seguente indirizzo: piobbico@hotmail.com

C'è necessità urgente di : tavoli e sedie, coperte, sacchi a pelo, asciugamani, biancheria, pigiami, tende, gazebo, vestiario soprattutto for children, basic necessities (water, UHT milk, pasta, rice, biscuits, sugar, coffee, tomatoes, olive oil, canned variety, toilet paper, soap, laundry soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, detergent, disinfectant, paper towels, dressings, gloves, garbage bags, towels, napkins and diapers for infants and elderly, baby food, plates and plastic cups etc ...)
WARNING! We call upon all those who are starting to carry their rescue: Do not leave without having first called the numbers provided. Be equipped and mostly self-sufficient both for the food that housing. If you prefer to send
a financial contribution you can send it to: Bank Account recast ABRUZZO ; IBAN: IT32J0312703201CC0340001497 or via credit card online subscription for updates and information: http://www.partitosociale.org/


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