No dismantling of the Consolidated Law on Safety at Work !!!!!
months ago we talked about the appeal for the reinstatement of the driver Dante De Angelis, but now there's a bigger battle to fight, and that is for the defense to the Consolidated Safety lavoro, che rischia di essere smantellato da questo governo. Per favore, firmate l'appello di Articolo 21 in difesa del Testo Unico (Dlgs 81 del 9 Aprile 2008). Per farlo, cliccate sul link a fine post, e inserite nell'apposito modulo, nome, cognome, professione, email, e città .
P.S Inoltre, girate questo appello a tutti i vostri contatti, e se qualcuno ha un sito web o un blog la pubblichi per cortesia.
Lavoro: il governo non manometta il testo unico sulla sicurezza!
Il governo ha annunciato, ma speriamo it is a false announcement that the next Council of Ministers intended to tamper with the text only for the safety also approved in the previous government and still largely ignored. It speaks insistently of a reduction in sanctions and penalties that are also very small in many cases substantially bypassed for lack of necessary controls. Intentions that we do not like that at all and are in complete harmony with the views expressed repeatedly by the most aggressive of Confindustria. A few days ago the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who has made this issue a hallmark of his term he had invited everyone to remain vigilant even and especially in this period of severe economic and social crisis. The announced measures beyond the evidence supplied does not go in this direction. For these reasons Articolo21 decided to launch a campaign and a petition asking the government not to take this decision and not take these measures at the next Council of Ministers.