Guardarsi intorno oggi non fa piacere. Dopo il fallimento di ribellione ad uno stato (o Stato?) che ci danneggia soltanto, viene da farsi alcune domande. Innanzitutto se sul serio vogliamo continuare a farci ridere dietro da mezzo mondo, quello "civilizzato", quello che non ha dittatori al comando, se vogliamo continuare a far demolire la Costituzione Italiana , quelle quattro garanzie che abbiamo, e peggiorare una situazione già tragica. Ormai siamo uno zimbello come Stato (questa volta la S maiuscola è d'obbligo), ma, e qui c'è la nota dolente, non siamo capaci di ribellarci e forse non ne abbiamo nemmeno voglia.
Voglia di cosa? Voglia di prenderci le nostre responsabilità . Siamo tutti molto good at judging those who govern us, but we are victims of our own laxity of non- do, but the too- say and often say -under-coverage.
In this we are victims of Superhero syndrome. If you think, Batman, Spiderman or Superman acted under cover: a false identities to avoid having to lose the pleasure of his life as an entrepreneur, photographer and journalist. In two out of three people it is abused, submissive, clumsy fake. Yet one of the most famous phrases of Spider-Man seems to run counter to this view of the double identity: "With great power comes great responsibility . "Maybe, but I do not add up the bills.
To begin with the prefix" super "is only to be charged to the amazing powers who meet certain characters or mega genial inventions that Bruce Wayne can be paid the millions. Ok, fly, climb, throw mega cazzottoni smashing in the walls, they drive crazy. But just to be superheroes?
I see them as people who, yes, help humanity, but are so comfortable without putting my face (as Kent can not be recognized only taking off his glasses remains a mystery).
The exposure makes them not terribly human, so human and I feel sorry you'd think all those who do their face.
Okay, you know so much rhetoric, but let's leave the judges, journalists and all those first and last names with faces that we all know . Get your feet on the ground and look at our small company.
call firefighters when some joker parked on pedestrian crossings, even where there is also a slide for wheelchairs?
We ask for a receipt when the seller "forgot" to beat him?
intervene if a funny guy ignores the queue at the post?
At school we were among those who copied?
and litter on the floor? We leave them to fall more or less involuntarily or we never say to our friend who does not? They are small
responsibility in which we ought to face and not prattle on about recycling, if not then we are the first to address it. It follows that to worry about the Massimi systems becomes complicated if we can not do that either.
Peter Parker has discovered that not only help someone to stop a robber may have serious consequences.