Monday, February 15, 2010

Memory Access Violation Tally 7

account closure BancoPosta

At the end of February, the Post Bank account will be closed. This is mainly because
the cost for keeping accounts
is disproportionate to our low turnover.
But even as the attention shown by BancoPosta
users has been quite disappointing for any amount credited to the bank sends
three modules with identical content attachments to a letter in which they are informed
del'accreditamento (! ), with a waste paper
difficult to understand, the request for information, the customer service as the Director of Post
felt that a response was not necessary
So: thanks, and by the many warm greetings and all of Mondolce
kittens! :) If

want to join, or renew your passport, or support the Association
, you can use our c / c 1 of the Agency of Urbino
Banca delle Marche:
CODE IBAN: IT42 V060 5568 7020 0000 0012 972 - BIC BAMAIT3AXXX;
or use a postal order made out a. "Noah's Ark" -
P. Casteldurante 28-61029 Urbino