Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Severe Abdonimal Pain After Abdonimal Cerglarge

Luckily there is .... er PIDD

Question: Excuse me Mr Bersani because it is not going to vote in the House the motion sull'incostituzionalità tax shelter, offering to do the same to the Berlusconi government?
Answer: Mmmmmhhhh .... I did not .... I had the wrong tooth ... mmmmmhhhhh ......

Question: Excuse me, why do not you Mr D'Alema went to vote on the motion sull'incostituzionalità room tax shelter, a gift from the Berlusconi government did the same?

Answer: for charity .. I do not talk .. every year is always harder to find the right birthday present for the Knights ... that hard work!

Question: Excuse me Mr Franceschini, why not go to vote on the motion to the chamber sull'incostituzionalità tax shelter, a gift from the Berlusconi government did the same?

Answer: Greetings to you losers .. is time I won the weekend at Villa Grazioli! Yuuhhhhh!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Treiber Für 12.02.1086

How much is the blood shed in war.

With the bomb attack in central Kabul this morning, and that cost, so far the lives of six Italian soldiers and wounded four other Italians in uniform, over the killing of fifteen Afghan civilians and wounded about sixty other, go up to twenty victims between the Italian military contingent in Afghanistan in five years of mission "humanitarian."

Towards the victims and their families are right to express sorrow and grief. But not enough, there is a formula with which to wash the conscience.

This is a very high death toll, to be at the end with absolutely nothing in his hand, since according to Icos, an international body that monitors the security and development in Afghanistan, the Middle Eastern country's territory is is currently at 95% in the hands of the Taliban.

Not to mention that the much-publicized presidential elections earlier this month saw a high and a high abstention phenomenon of fraud detected by all international observers, so that the President-elect Karzai is increasingly regarded as an administrator senza reale appoggio da parte dei suoi compatrioti.

L’intervento militare in Afghanistan è sempre più inutile, nonostante le ossessive parole del ministro La Russa che anche oggi, al senato, ha riaffermato la ferma convinzione che la missione non si fermerà. Ciò nonostante la stessa Corte penale internazionale (Cpi) ha iniziato a raccogliere informazioni su possibili crimini di guerra commessi in Afghanistan dalle truppe Nato, e dai Talebani. Tra gli abusi commessi vi sarebbero attacchi indiscriminati contro la popolazione, torture e l'aver causato effetti collaterali al di là di quanto possa essere considerato inevitabile.

È venuto ormai il tempo per una strategia di uscita veloce e completa, ed il sostegno reconstruction of the country through the intensification of international cooperation, and is also coming forward to hear the strong voice of someone who is not it more to find out that Article 11 of our Constitution is clearly violated at a cost too many lives, from our government.

For those who want to can go to the protest, organized by the local anti-war realities, tomorrow's Friday 18, in Turin, from 17.00, in Piazza Castello, Via Garibaldi corner, demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Italian contingent in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Calories In Vegatable Stir Fry

If a banner is scary to power ....

I do not write for a long ... but this round I can not shut up.
Watch and share it as much as possible!