Questions and answers on "The expansion of the greek world" Domenico Siciliani 1B
- What is the second colonization?
- It 's the displacement of citizens living in the poleis that had the need to extend outside of their territory, because population growth was not supported by an adequate increase in agricultural production. Scarcity of arable land and discomfort due to clashes between the rich and the poor owners of agricultural land that were not able to feed themselves, generated this phenomenon emigrativo.I settlers were farmers ruined, looking for an economic recovery, in fact arrived at Their destination was assigned a plot of land which became the owners, improving their social position.
- How the site was chosen to colonize?
- sometimes through the stories of merchants and sailors, and sometimes based on the ease of landing and the potential of the soil. There were two main streams colonial, the first verse of the ancient Mycenaean settlements and towards the Black Sea, the strait of the Dardanelles and the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara, the second most important, he went to Southern Italy and islands, to the French and English coasts. These colonies were named Magna Grecia because they reached a level of wealth and cultural development higher than that of the mother country. If the lands to be colonized were already inhabited could be clashes with indigenous peoples who were enslaved or were dismissed from the coast to the interior of the territory. There were rare cases in which the colonizers were treated so well by indigenous people who put together the land, giving rise to an unusual form of settlement.
- There were major differences between the colonies and the mother country?
- Surely there was a more egalitarian and less confrontational attitude because the lands were the same for everyone and having fewer hierarchies of blood, also in the colonies were taken to the first written laws to counter the dominance of injustice and aristocracy in power. Relations with the motherland is holding fast commercially and culturally and religiously, in fact, the settlers had dual citizenship. Trade between them and the new resources made available to base the economy on commercial and craft activities and many farmers also became skilled craftsmen. The development of trade also stimulated the development of means of transport is no longer driven by the force of the oars, but the use of sails. The colony was still independent and were the rare times that came into conflict with the motherland. There were cases where the mother country became colonies of other settlements which sprang up in even the most important temples and monuments of the original Greek cities.
- When you began to use the money?
- In the seventh century, initially used small metal ingots and then, with the advent of metal alloys, coins were introduced that are more manageable. Each polis had its own currency, which had been the symbol of the city's homeland. With the currency began to spread to the loan but the interest was very high and who then could not repay the amount increasing in frequency was reduced to slavery.
- What is the Greek religion?
- The Greek religion was a pervasive reality, existed in all, from themselves. The Greeks believed in a superior entity that had created and had not holy books or priests but religion appears in the writings of great writers as Homer and Hesiod who expressed their religious conception. They were polytheists, as documented by Homer, and believed that their settlement on the Mount Olympus. The king of the gods Zeus and had exercised his dominion over the Earth with Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus, Athena, Aphrodite and Eros, Hera. Were represented in the image and likeness of the human and having feelings, interacted in a positive or negative with them. They were immortal but not eternal, that they have had some extraordinary births as Athena, coming out from the head of Zeus. The gods would affect all but the fate or destiny, which, in the Olympian religion, was said Moira. This force was happening and decided that was to happen in human life, including death. Men worshiped the gods through public acts fees. But this was not the only religion practiced, there was another secret religion called mystery with a small number of practitioners, due to secrecy on the various rituals practiced. They were also linked to a myth, starring Demeter and Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. Persephone was abducted by Hades but he took pity and for a time a year granted to Demeter to see his daughter. This was interpreted as the time of harvest and then held celebrations in their honor for a good harvest. This phenomenon is also taken as a return from death, then the bearer of new life.